Choosing A Contractor

Choosing A Contractor

Do Your Homework

When in school, in order to complete your homework and do it well, you must study.  The same principle applies with it comes to home improvement and choosing a contractor.  Yes, of course you can always just go with that recommendation that you neighbor gave you, or the suggestion from your colleague at work.  These are both viable options.  But there are many other options out there as well.  Ones with strong reputations that allow you to check references and make sure you are getting what you paid for.  After all, you don’t want to leave your home that you’ve worked so hard for, to just anyone.

Here are some online options to help you along the way in making a better informed choice on which contactor, plumber, electrician or other home improvement professional to hire to perform work on the real estate that you love so much.

  1. Angie’s List
  2. HomeAdvisor
  3. ServiceMaster
  5. 1800Contractor

If you are located in our hometown of Chapel Hill, NC, or the surrounding areas of Durham, Hillsborough or Carrboro, North Carolina, you can also visit your local Lowe’s Home Improvement store, or Home Depot locations for assistance with finding a home improvement professional to perform the remodel, renovation, repair or other real estate upgrade of your dreams to your home.