Should I Get a Presale Inspection? Hear From One of My Clients Firsthand 

Hear Jill’s story and learn how to take control of your home sale.


I strongly believe that sellers should take control of the home-selling process. Getting ahead of things means having pre-sale inspections and doing the repairs before listing your home on the market. By being proactive, you are making the whole process as smooth as possible.


If you’re still on the fence about having pre-sale inspections, consider the experience of Jill, one of my clients who recently went through the process.


Jill and her family lived in their home for ten years without having a single inspection. While they did some renovations and repairs, they skipped the home inspection. This made them doubtful during the selling process.


“We were really concerned about the part where the buyers would have an inspection done, and we didn’t know what that might reveal,” Jill said.


“Doing home repairs before listing your home is a must so you can be confident about selling your home and have a quick turnaround.”


To take control of the situation, they decided to get the inspection done first. After the inspection, they followed up by doing the necessary changes, repairs, and maintenance. They consulted me, and I recommended other items they should consider updating.


“We took her up on just about every single one of those things, and even though some of them were a little bit of a bitter pill to swallow… we really felt at the end of the day that they helped us get the most value for the home,” she added.


They knew that potential buyers would have questions, want to see documentation, and conduct their own inspections. Because they had already done a lot of work by having a pre-sale inspection, they were confident going into that process. True enough, their buyers did their own home inspection and asked for additional documentation, which they provided. They passed the inspection with flying colors and were able to quickly close the deal!


“I firmly believe that doing all of the work ahead of time helped make that process go a lot faster.”


Jill and her family are now one month into their new home, doing renovations, and they were grateful for having done their pre-sale inspection ahead of time and not during negotiations with their potential buyers, which can be emotional and overwhelming.


If you are a potential seller and want to make this process as easy as possible for yourself, doing home repairs before listing your home is a must. This way, you can be confident about selling your home and have a higher chance of a quick turnaround.


If you have any questions about this topic or want to buy or sell your home, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at (919) 759-6359 or [email protected]. I am always available to help you.