Do You Need a Carbon Monoxide Detector?

Carbon monoxide poisoning is a very serious issue. The CDC has said that over 10,000 people each year get treatment for some kind of carbon monoxide poisoning, and well over 430 people die each year as a result.

Because of this, state legislatures across the country have changed the rules about when a carbon monoxide detector is required in a home or a rental property.

If your house or rental property uses gas in the furnace, stove, or any other appliances, or if you have an attached garage, a carbon monoxide detector is required by law. Even if the home doesn’t have gas appliances but it has an attached garage, it needs a carbon monoxide detector on every level of the home.

Well over 430 people die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Why is there such a focus on garages? Well, in the event that a car housed in the garage was left running, the deadly fumes could get into the home.

I can say that once I learned about this rule, I immediately went out and replaced my carbon monoxide detectors on each level of my home. I recommend that you do the same, or at least replace the batteries in the ones you currently have.

If you have any questions for us about buying, selling, or investing in real estate, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.