Women For Obama – Get Registered To Vote in North Carolina

Did you watch the first Presidential Debate last-night October 3, 2012, between President Barack Obama & Republican Candidate Mitt Romney?  We hope you did.  Last-night’s event was the most-tweeted event in U.S. political history according to a recent story by Mashable.com.  Tweets about President Barack Obama & Republican candidate Mitt Romney topped 10.3 million in just 90 minutes. 


How did your candidate fair?  Are you registered to vote?  Are you prepared to exercise your right and privilege, and cast your vote on November 4, 2012 for the candidate of your choice?

On June 6, 2012, our fearless leader Jodi Bakst, and fellow Real Estate Broker & Team Jodi Team Member Susan Morris, attended the Women For Obama meeting in Chapel Hill, NC to discuss the importance of voter registration.  

“Everyone needs to be registered to vote. That is how we can contribute and make a difference.” – Jodi Bakst


Early voting opens October 18th here in North Carolina.  And we are urging everyone here in Chapel Hill, Durham, Carrboro, Hillsborough, NC and the surrounding North Carolina areas to get registered to vote if you have not already, and make your voice heard and your vote count for what you believe in, and what your want for your future and your children’s future here in North Carolina.