Your Latest Triangle Market Update

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Here is the latest real estate market update for the Triangle area.


How is the real estate market right now? I’m sure you have many questions. In the Triangle, the market is still strong. 


In February there were 11,000 unique visitors to our multiple listing system, meaning real estate agents are doing property searches on behalf of their clients. In April we also had 11,000 searches, so our market hasn’t slowed down, agents are out there working. One day last week we had over 200 properties come onto the market, and on the MLS , there are currently over 700 properties under contract. We are getting more creative in the way we work so we can provide the best service possible. 


In the Triangle, the market is still strong.


With interest rates this low, people are still out there looking and homes are still selling. We have slowed down – in certain aspects of the industry, but we’re still extremely busy, surprisingly. If you have any anxiety about getting into the market, don’t hesitate, it’s a great time to buy and sell. Thankfully, not much has changed in our market at this point. Let’s hope it stays that way!


If you have any questions about our market or buying or selling, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by phone or email. We’re always glad to help.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]